
Disparities emerge when there is a lack of equality amongst identifiable groups (i.e. Gender, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status) preventing equality of treatment available for all persons looking for assistance.
The CMS Equity Plan for Improving Quality in Medicare (CMS Equity Plan for Medicare) outlines CMS‘s path to help advance health equity by improving the quality of care provided to minority and other underserved Medicare beneficiaries. The framework for the plan consists of three interconnected domains: increasing understanding and awareness of disparities, creating and sharing solutions, and accelerating implementation of effective actions. Minority populations experience disparities in the health care quality they receive, even when they have the same insurance, socioeconomic status, and comorbidities as their non-minority counterparts. Click here for more information on building an organizational response to health disparities.
- Facility Disparities Webinar presentation recording and slides
- Facility Disparities Webinar Attestation Survey - Due August 31, 2019
- Download Presentation
- IHI Tool
- Disparities in Action Tool
- August 23, 2018: Addressing Health Disparities in Rural Communities and slides
Transplant Improvement Program for Success

The ESRD Network of Texas has been directed by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to work with ESRD providers and stakeholders in Texas. The goal is to support providers to increase rates of patients on the transplant wait list by at least 2 percentage points in 2019. The long term goal is that by 2023 the rate of ESRD patients listed for transplant, regardless of age and modality, will reach a national rate of 30%. The national average as of 2016 is 18.5%.
Network Project Lead:
Dany Anchia, Clinical Quality Manager
office (469) 916-3813, email danchia@nw14.esrd.net
For resources please click here
Infection Detection: Blood Stream Infection (BSI)

The BSI QIA is aimed at reducing bloodstream infection rates within those Network 14 facilities with the highest BSI rates. Improvement will be obtained by utilizing observation audits, CDC Core Interventions, and the facility selection of a patient engagement activity.
Network Project Lead
Maryam Alabood, Quality Improvement Specialist
office (469) 916-3803, email MAlabood2@nw14.esrd.net
For resources please click here
Long Term Catheter (LTC)

The Long-Term Catheter (LTC) project is aimed at reducing LTC rates within facilities with LTC rates greater than 15%. We will achieve our goals by identifying barriers, implementing interventions such as improvement plans, applying CDC Core Interventions, data monitoring and reporting, and incorporation of patient engagement activities. Our goal for 2019 is to decrease LTC rates by at least 3% within the focus facilities and sustain the improvements achieved beyond the conclusion of the project.
Network Project Lead:
Dany Anchia, Clinical Quality Manager
office (469) 916-3813, email danchia@nw14.esrd.net
For resources please click here
Hospital Admissions QIA

The ESRD Network of Texas has been directed by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to collaborate with 10% of the outpatient dialysis facilities within the state of Texas and to achieve a 2-point decrease in the average rate of overall hospitalizations, and a 10% decrease in ESRD related hospitalizations.
Network Project Lead:
Mary Albin, Executive Director
office (469) 916-3809, email malbin@nw14.esrd.net
For resources please click here
Home Modality

The ESRD Network of Texas has been directed by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to collaborate with 30% of the outpatient dialysis facilities within the state of Texas and to support facility efforts to increase home referrals by 2 percentage points. Network 14 is aimed at developing and implementing a quality improvement project utilizing home dialysis data in order to improve referral rates for home modalities with an emphasis in reducing disparities.
Network Project Lead:
Betrice Williams, Outreach Coordinator
office (469) 916-3807, email bwilliams@nw14.esrd.net
For resources please click here
ESRD Network 14 Facility and Patient Engagement

The ESRD Network of Texas has been directed by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to collaborate with ESRD providers and stakeholders within the state of Texas. The goal is to support facility efforts to increase patients, family and caregiver engagement at the facility level.
The Network shall ensure implementation of interventions at the dialysis facility level that foster patient and family involvement in the areas of promoting better health for the ESRD population; BSI, transplant, and home dialysis.
Network 14 has developed methodology and strategies for facilities to engage patients and families at the facility level, accessible in Texas. Each Facility Administrator or Social Worker is required to complete a survey to capture their current level of patient engagement. Please complete a Survey Monkey for each facility by clicking HERE.
Network Contact
EdNesha Smith, Patient Service Director
office (469) 916-3808, email esmith@nw14.esrd.net
For resources please click here
Facility QIA Project Manager
Facility QIA Project Managers,
If you have been chosen to lead a Quality Improvement Activity (QIA), otherwise known as a QI project, at your facility, please familiarize yourself with this job description. The purpose of this resource is to assist you in being successful in leading quality improvement project(s) at your facility.
Hold the Gain -SUSTAIN

Sustainability is about ensuring that the improvements you have made will last. In order for these enhancements to be lasting, we must establish a plan for sustainability. We all want these changes and improvements to become part of the culture in your facility.
To maintain the gains your facility has achieved by participating in this QIA, there are important considerations that must be made regarding the processes that have been put into place:
- What can be done to ensure the most successful interventions will become part of the culture in your facility?
- How will you ensure that these steps will continuously support your current processes?
- Will this require that you modify training in your facility?
- How will you track these interventions to ensure improvements in performance measures are sustained?
- If you have a corporate partner, what is their role in supporting this sustainability plan?
- For additional assistance to guide you through developing a sustainability plan please view the "Sustainability: Why it is Important and Required" video.
Sustainability Plan
Step 1: Complete the QIA Sustainability Plan
Step 2: Upload your signed Sustainability Plan
- Click here to upload your signed QIA Sustainability plan * Please note your Sustainability Plan must be signed by your leadership.
Note: If you are in multiple projects you must completed one sustainability plan for each project and you must upload a signed plan for each project to complete the entire process . Please DO NOT email or fax your sustainability plan. Do not create your own template, please use the template online.