Patient Engagement Calendars
2021 Patient Engagement Calendar - English - Spanish
2021 Facility Patient Representative guide for Patient Engagement Calendar - English - Spanish
2021 Patient Engagment Handouts
- January - Take part in your care
- February - Plan ahead for emergencies
- March - Attend a patient and family group meeting
- April - Get to know your Care Team
- May - Learn about patient responsibilities
- June - Participate in your Plan of Care meetings
- July - Learn about different dialysis treatments
- August - Cherish your vascular access
- September - Get your vaccinations
- October - Know the 6 tips to prevent dialysis infections
- November - Take care of your emotional health
- December - Plan for end of life
Patient Engagement Resources
Partnering Patients and Families Enhancing Safety and Quality
Patient and Family Centered Care Checklist
6 Steps to Creating a Culture of Person and Family Engagement in Health Care
Person and Family Engagement Strategy: Sharing with Our Partners
5 Elements of a Successful Patient Engagement Strategy
10 Tips to Help You Become Active in Your Care!
Quality Assurance Performance Improvement Guide (QAPI)
Plan of Care Patient Checklist (POC) Pre and Post Meeting
Buddies Wanted: English and Spanish
Patient Family Engagement Plan Presented by Patients
Topics include: Patient Engagement, Peer-to-Peer Support, Peer Mentoring, Care Planning Tips
Patient Engagement Learning and Action Network (PE LAN) Resources
What is a Learning and Action Network (LAN)?
A Learning and Action Network, or LAN, is a group of healthcare practitioners, providers, stakeholders, and citizens, who come together around an action-based agenda for the purpose of peer-to-peer learning and solution-sharing.
Watch this video to learn more! - QIO Program, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)