Healthy Living Resources
American Heart Association
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Medical Education Institute (MEI)
Nutrition & Fluids learning module provides information about the value of eating real food, phosphorus absorption from food additives vs. meat and plants, graphics and photos, and brand-new meal plans and recipes.
Other Helpful Tools
- Dialysis Diet on a Budget
- Kidney Community Kitchen
- Nutritional Guide: Eating Well - Fresenius Medical Care
- Aim for a Healthy Weight - National Heart Lung and Blood Institute
- Interactive Menu Planner - National Heart Lung and Blood Institute
- Renal Diet Headquarters
- Why Am I So Thirsty?
- Phosphorus Resources - Abbott
- Potassium Finder
Physical Activity
Ultra Care from Fresenius Medical Care
American Cancer Society
Smoking Cessation
As a kidney patient, your immune system has become weakened and may not be able to fight off infections. Therefore, it is very important that you stay up to date on your immunizations. Here are some resources to help. If you have any questions about immunizations don't hesitate to ask any member of your health care team.
What You Should Know for Influenza Season - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Immunization Information
- Vaccinations for Adults. You're never too old to get immunized! - Combined English/Spanish
- Protect Yourself from Influenza - Combined English/Spanish
- Protect Yourself from Hepatitis B - Combined English/Spanish
- Protect Yourself From Pneumococcal Disease - Combined English/Spanish
- Vaccinations for Adults with Diabetes - Combined English/Spanish
- What Vaccinations Do You Need? - National Kidney Foundation (NKF)
- Adult Easy to Read Vaccination Schedule - English - Spanish
Diabetes Management
- Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support (DSMES) services help people with diabetes learn how to take the best care of themselves. Ask your doctor for a referral to DSMES services to help you manage your diabetes.
- Diabetes Patient Tips for Healthy Living English and Spanish
- SPEAK UP - Five Ways to be Active in Your Care at the Hospital - Combined English & Spanish
- Diabetic Foot Care
- American Diabetes Association
Vocational Rehabilitation
Ticket to Work Program
Social Security's Ticket to Work Program supports career development for Social Security disability beneficiaries age 18 through 64 who want to work. The Ticket Program is free and voluntary. The Ticket Program helps people with disabilities progress toward financial independence. Individuals who receive Social Security benefits because of a disability and are age 18 through 64 probably already qualify for the program.
The Ticket to Work (Ticket) program is a good fit for people who want to improve their earning potential and are committed to preparing for long-term success in the workplace. The Ticket program offers beneficiaries with disabilities access to meaningful employment with the assistance of Ticket to Work employment service providers called Employment Networks (EN).
Visit to sign up for free information. Or contact one of our representatives through the Ticket to Work Help Line. Be one of the many people who have connected with us for important information about work as a path to financial independence!