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Filing a Grievance

What to do if you have a grievance

Grievance Logo Grievance Logo

If you are unhappy with the care or treatment you receive at your dialysis clinic or transplant center, or if you have a grievance about your care, you have the right to file a grievance with the ESRD Network or the Texas Department of State Health Services. Here's how to file your grievance:

  1. First—try to talk to your nurse, doctor, or social worker about the problem. It is possible there is a simple explanation. Even if there is not a simple explanation, it may be possible for you and the clinic to work out a solution to the problem that could result in better care for you and other patients.
  2. Next—if talking does not resolve the problem, or if you feel you cannot discuss your problem with the staff at your clinic, you can go directly to the regional administrator or even the corporate office of your dialysis company or transplant unit. The names and phone numbers of these people should be posted in the waiting room of you clinic.
  3. If none of the above actions work, if you feel your clinic or corporation cannot help you, or you don’t feel safe or comfortable talking to them, call one of the Toll Free numbers below for help.

Texas Department of State Health Services
(888) 973-0022


The ESRD Network of Texas
(877) 886-4435