Who We Are
The End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Network of Texas, Inc. is a not-for-profit corporation that has been functioning under a federal government contract since 1978 to operate the End Stage Renal Disease Network for the state of Texas, which was Network 11 until 1986 and is now Network 14.
The Network organization activities are under the direction of an elected 15-member voluntary Corporate Governing Board (CGB). The Corporate Governing Board manages the business affairs of the corporation, establishes policy for Network Council consideration, establishes goals for Network Council consideration, and is responsible for the accomplishment of the contract through the Network organization.
The management, staff, and boards of the ESRD Network of Texas, Inc. work to assure the healthcare security for ESRD patients in Texas, as well as be a trustworthy partner for continual improvement of their health and healthcare. This includes access to equitable, appropriate and quality patient- and family-centered health care that achieves desired outcomes, protection of rights and dignity and consumer satisfaction, and dissemination of clear and useful information to assist with healthcare decisions.
We strive to understand and act upon the needs of our customers, employees, boards and partners.
Our success is dependent on collaboration with providers, patients, and the volunteer Network boards and committees.
We act with integrity in all we do.
Goals and Objectives
In keeping with the legislative mandate for the ESRD Network program, the goals of CMS to include ensuring the right care for every person every time, and sound medical practice, the strategic goals of the ESRD Network Program are to:
- Improve the quality and safety of dialysis related services provided for individuals with ESRD.
- Improve independence and quality of life of individuals through use of self-care modalities (such as transplantation, peritoneal dialysis, home hemodialysis), and self directed care, as appropriate, through the end of life.
- Improve patient perception of care and experience of care and resolution of patient's complaints and grievances.
- Improve the individuals with ESRD rate of transplantation and use of self-care and self-directed modalities, through to end of life, when medically appropriate in order to ensure the patient achieves the maximum level of rehabilitation and independence possible.
- Improve collaboration with providers to ensure achievement of the goals.
- Improve the collection, reliability, timeliness, and use of data to measure processes of care, outcomes, and to support the ESRD Network program.
The Institute of Medicine's definition of quality is used to define quality care, which is: "The degree to which health services for individuals and populations increase the likelihood of desired health outcomes and are consistent with current professional knowledge." CMS has defined rehabilitation for the purpose of this contract as restoring an individual to the maximum level of independence and quality of life that an individual can achieve.
The Network shall achieve these goals through the development and implementation of the work requirements outlined in this Statement of Work (SOW).