Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones - Get Your Flu Shot Today!
Protect yourself and your loved ones this flu season! Getting a flu vaccine during 2020-2021 is more important than ever because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Flu vaccination is critical for healthcare providers and for ESRD patients who are considered high risk for Influenza, COVID-19, and other serious complications.
The ESRD Network of Texas (Network 14) is working to ensure that 85% of Network patients receive an influenza vaccination by December 31, 2020.
Fight the Flu featuring ESRD Network 14 Patient Advisory Committee (PAC)
National Kidney Foundation (NFK): If You Have Kidney Disease, You Need To Get a Flu Shot This Fall
National Kidney Foundation (NFK) Webinar & Facebook Live: Why & How You Should Protec Yourself From Flu During COVID-19
Cleaning to Prevent Flu: ENGLISH, SPANISH
CDC: A Strong Defense Against Flu: Get Vaccinated! - ENGLISH and, SPANISH
CDC: Take 3 Actions To Fight Flu Brochure and Poster
CDC: Get Your Shot: Not Flu Flyer and Poster
CDC: Make a Strong Flu Vaccine Recommendation
COVID-19 vs Flu: Breaking Down the Differences Document Slides
NCC: Get Your Flu Shot: Not Flu
CDC: Roll Up Your Sleeve for Your Annual Flu Vaccine
CDC: What Should You Do If You Get Flu?
CDC: Key Facts About Flu Vaccines
Texas Health Human Services: Influenza (Flu) Vaccine Guidance During COVID-19 Long-Term Care Regulatory Provider Letter
CROWNWeb User Guide: Entering Clinical Information
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) Surveillance for Dialysis Patient Influenza Vaccination Resources
CDC Digital Media Toolkit: 2020-2021 Flu Season
The National FOURM of ESRD Networks Vaccination Toolkit
5-Diamond Safety Program; Influenza Vaccination Module (requires log-in, registration and participation is free)
CDC Healthcare Professional Toolkit
CDC Communication Resource center (free resources)
National Foundation for Infectious Diseases: Flu and COVID-19 resources